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LightSpeed | AU | D.I.Y with Confidence; Creating Composites

This guide provides instructions on how to set up the "DIY with Confidence" promotion within LightSpeed. The guide is split over two parts:

  1. How to create the Composite Products for the promotion (Part 1)
  2. How to create the Promotion in Lightspeed (Part 2)

About this guide 

This guide covers how to create the Composite Products for the promotion.

Part 1: Creating Composite Products for the Promotion

This section will walk you through creating two composite product options for the promotion:

  • Option 1: FREE 500g Vitalyse Shock & Swim and 125g Vitalyse Maxi Skimmer Tablets
  • Option 2: x3 pH Down and Clear Tablets and 125g Vitalyse Maxi Skimmer Tablets

These two options represent the free items that will be redeemed as part of the promotion.

Creating Option 1: FREE 500g Vitalyse Shock & Swim and 125g Vitalyse Maxi Skimmer Tablets

  1. Navigate to Products and select Add Product.
  2. Enter the following details:
    • Name: FREE 500g Vitalyse Shock & Swim and 125g Vitalyse Maxi Skimmer Tablets
    • Brand: Poolwerx
  3. Scroll down to the Inventory section and select Composite.
  4. Select Enter custom SKU and input DIYOTP1.
  5. Scroll down to the Products section and start typing to add 500g Vitalyse Shock & Swim and 125g Vitalyse Maxi Skimmer Tablets. For the Vitalyse Maxi skimmer pick the parent product (the box of 40 or 60), then calculate what 1 tablet (1/40 or 1/60th) is. Add this value in the quantity. Eg 1/40 = 0.025 of the parent product. The Shock & Swim is quantity 1. Refer to detailed guide (page 2) for a picture).
  6. Add both products, and ensure it looks as expected.
  7. Select Save in the top right corner, leaving the retail price at $0 as this is a free promotional item.

For a detailed guide with screenshots, please click here.

Creating Option 2: x3 pH Down and Clear Tablets and 125g Vitalyse Maxi Skimmer Tablets

  1. Navigate to Products and select Add Product.
  2. Enter the following details:
    • Name: FREE x3 pH Down and Clear Tablets and 125g Vitalyse Maxi Skimmer Tablets
    • Brand: Poolwerx
  3. Scroll down to the Inventory section and select Composite.
  4. Select Enter custom SKU and input DIYOTP2.
  5. Scroll down to the Products section and start typing to add VITALYSE pH Down and Clear Tablets and VITALYSE Maxi Skimmer Tablets - 125g. For the Vitalyse Maxi skimmer pick the parent product (the box of 40 or 60), then calculate what 1 tablet (1/40 or 1/60th) is. Add this value in the quantity. Eg 1/40 = 0.025 of the parent product. The ph Down is quantity 3. Refer to detailed guide (page 2) for a picture).
  6. Add both products and confirm the details are correct.
  7. Select Save in the top right corner, leaving the retail price at $0 as this is a free promotional item.

For a detailed guide with screenshoots, please click here. 

To proceed with creating the promotion, click here to continue to Part 2.

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