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Lightspeed | Update Customer Group Assigned to Clients

This article outlines the procedures for updating the customer groups assigned to clients in Lightspeed.

Updating customer groups in LightSpeed allows you to ensure clients are correctly assigned to the appropriate groups for targeted pricing and promotions. Follow these steps to update customer group assignments.

Individually Update the Customer Group

  1. Navigate to the Customer Page
    1. Log into your LightSpeed account
    2. Expand the Customers menu and select customers.
  2. Edit the Client Record
    1. Search for the customer you want to update.
    2. Click on the customer name to open their details.
    3. Use the drop-down menu to update the customer group.
    4. Click ‘Save’ to apply the changes.

      A screenshot of a contact form

Description automatically generated

Bulk Update via CSV Import

  1. Navigate to the Customer Page

    1. Log into your LightSpeed account

    2. Expand the Customers menu and select customers.

  2. Export the customer list

    1. You can choose to export your entire customer list, or, a section of your customer list. The list can be filtered by name, customer code, contact details, group, city, or by date created

    2. Once filtered, click the 'Export' button.

  3. If you have more than 1000 customers:

    1. Right-click Page 1 and select Copy Link Address

    2. Open a new tab in Google Chrome

    3. Paste the link, change the number '1000' to a greater number, e.g '10000' A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

    4. Press enter and a CSV will be downloaded

    5. Note that there is a limit to the number of customers you can export doing this depending on the amount of data each customer has. If you export too many customers at once, the page can timeout.
    6. Limit of 15,000 exports has been successful, whereas the 30,000 limit causes the page to timeout.
    7. Export customers in multiple batches if needed, changing 'page=1' to 'page=2' for subsequent batches.
  4. Adjust the CSV file
    1. Open the downloaded file(s) from your downloads folder.
    2. Click ‘Don’t Convert’ if Excel prompts you to convert the file.
    3. Remove unnecessary columns except Customer_code, First_name, Last_name, company_name, and customer_group_name.
    4. It is important that you do not remove or adjust the customer_code column. This is LightSpeed’s identifier for the client. 
    5. Adjust the values in the customer_group_name column to assign clients to the correct group. Ensure the names match exactly.
    6. Save the file in CSV format.
  5. Import Updated List
    1. Navigate to the Customers Page in LightSpeed.
    2. Click ‘Import customers’, then select ‘Import with CSV’.
      1. IMPORTANT: DO NOT Select Import From Xero. This will import your xero contacts into LightSpeed and duplicate all of your existing clients. 
    3. Click ‘Select a file to upload…’ and choose your saved CSV file.
    4. LightSpeed will validate the file and ask you to confirm. Click ‘Continue with import’.
    5. Once the import is complete, a notification will appear in the bell icon informing you of the upload success or any issues. 

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