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Lightspeed | Adding or Updating Products in Price Books

This article describes the procedures for adding or updating products in Price Books in Lightspeed.

Adding Price Books

Adding products to a Price Book can be done using three methods: individually, via CSV import, or by duplicating an existing Price Book.

Adding products individually

  1. In LightSpeed, navigate to Catalog and select Price Books.
  2. Click the pencil to edit the relevant price book. 
  3. In the ‘Add from catalog’ search bar, type the name or SKU of the product you want to add
  4. Select the desired product from the drop-down menu.
  5. Once selected, click Add.
  6. Repeat for each product. 
  7. Each product will be added to your price book with its current supply price and retail price.

Adding products using a CSV import

  1. Export Product List from Catalog
    1. Navigate to Catalog > Products and use the filters to select your desired products.
    2. Click Export List and select CSV format from the drop-down options.
  2. Prepare the CSV File
    1. Download the Price book CSV template here and use your Catalog Export to input the following information:
      1. Handle [Mandatory]: The product handle. Must match an existing product in LS.
      2. SKU [Mandatory]: The product SKU. Must match an existing product in LS and align with the handle.
      3. Retail_Price [Mandatory]: The price book price for the product. You can also leave this as the current retail price and update the discount using the price book discount functionality in the Portal (e.g discount by %).
      4. Min_units [Optional]: The minimum number of units the client needs to purchase to get this price. Note: this is in-store only
      5. Max_units [Optional]: The maximum number of units the client can purchase to get this price. Note: this is in-store only
    2. Save the file in an accessible location on your computer.
  3. Import the prepared CSV File
    1. In LightSpeed, navigate to Catalog and select Price Books. 
    2. Click the pencil to edit the relevant price book. 
    3. Under the Price Book File section, click ‘Choose file’ and Select your CSV file. 
    4. Click Save Price Book. LightSpeed will validate the CSV and add the products to the Price book.

Duplicate an existing price book file

  1. Export the existing Price Book file
    1. Navigate to Catalog > Price books.
    2. Click the name of the Price book you wish to export.
    3. Click ‘Export Price book’ to export it as a CSV file.
    4. Important: Delete the ID column as these reference the previous price book.
  2. Amend and Save the CSV File
    1. Make necessary changes to the products to align to the new price book.
    2. Save the file in an accessible location.
  3. Import the prepared CSV File
    1. Navigate to catalog > Price books
    2. Click the pencil icon on the relevant price book 
    3. Under the Price Book file section, click ‘Choose file, and select your CSV file. 
    4. Click ‘Save Price book’. Your price book will update with the products. 

Updating Price Books

Updating products in a Price Book can be done using two methods: individually or by CSV import.

Individually Updating Price Book Products

  1. Navigate to catalog > Price books
  2. Click the pencil icon on the relevant price book 
  3. You can edit products by adding or removing products, or changing the pricing.
  4. Search for the product by entering the product name or SKU and clicking Filter.
  5. Edit the product details as needed, such as removing the product or changing the price.

Update price books via CSV import

  1. Navigate to Catalog > Price books
  2. Click the name of the Price book you wish to export
  3. Click Export Price book to export it as a CSV file
  4. When editing an exported spreadsheet:
    1. Keep the ID column to ensure the correct product is updated. 
    2. To add a new product, leave the ID field blank. LightSpeed will create an ID for a new product upon import.
    3. You cannot remove a product from a price book via CSV import.
  5. Save the changes to the CSV file. 
  6. Navigate to Catalog > Price books
  7. Click the pencil icon on the relevant price book 
  8. Under the Price Book File section, click ‘Choose file’ and Select your CSV file. 
  9. Click ‘Save Price book’. Your price book will update.

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