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LXV | Editing Prices

Maintaining accurate pricing and desired margins is essential for efficient inventory and sales management. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for updating prices directly on purchase orders, in bulk, or via spreadsheets.

Editing Prices on Purchase Orders Directly

You can easily update the prices, supply costs, and markup for received items directly from the purchase order.

  1. In LightSpeed, navigate to Inventory > Stock Control
  2. Choose the purchase order you want to receive and add it to your inventory.
  3. For details on how to receive your purchase order, refer to Receiving Purchase Orders.

  4. Once the order is received, click the Edit Prices button.

  5. From there, you can update your Supply Price, markup, and Retail Price in comparison to the latest cost price of your products.

  6. If your Franchise uses Price Books,

    • Click on the product to expand details.

    • Add or modify price points for each price book.

  7. Click Save Prices to apply the changes.

Editing Prices in Bulk via Purchase Orders

For updating multiple items or purchase orders at once, use the bulk edit feature.

  1. In LightSpeed, navigate to Catalog > Products
  2. Enter one or more purchase order numbers in the Purchase Order number search bar.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Select the products to update by checking their boxes.

  5. Click Choose an Action > Edit Prices.

  6. From there, you can update your Supply Price, markup, and Retail Price in comparison to the latest cost price of your products.

  7. If your Franchise uses Price Books,
    • Click on the product to expand details.

    • Add or modify price points for each price book.

  8. Click Save Prices to apply the changes.

Editing Prices in Bulk via a Spreadsheet

Step 1: Filter and download Catalog

  1. Navigate to Catalog > Products
  2. Apply filters (e.g., supplier) to refine the list.
  3. Click Export List.
  4. Export as an XLSX file to avoid SKU formatting issues.

Step 2: Backup and Make Adjustments

  1. Create a backup
    • Save a copy of the exported file as "product-export-backup" to preserve the original data.
    • Do not edit the backup file directly.
  2. Open the exported file in excel or googlesheets.
  3. Always delete all of the inventory columns (including their headers) when editing product CSV files. This is so any changes in your inventory levels due to sales you make while you are working on the CSV are not overwritten when you reimport the file.
  4. Do not change or remove the ID column or IDs themselves. This is a number LS generates as a unique ID for each product.
  5. Update fields like Supply Price or Retail Price as needed.
  6. Save the file.

Step 3: Import the Adjusted Spreadsheet

  1. In LightSpeed, navigate to Catalog > Products.
  2. Click Import
  3. Drag and drop your file, or click Choose a file to upload to search for and add the file.
  4. LightSpeed will check for formatting issues or errors (e.g., missing headers or invalid fields).
  5. If the validation is successful move straight to Step 7.
  6. If LS detects any errors you will be taken to the column matching:
    • At this stage, you'll be able to view any unmatched columns and fix them by selecting the correct column from the drop-down menu.
    • You'll also have the option to change the matching of any other columns or choose not to import a specific column.
    • Once you've matched all the columns correctly, click continue. If there are no further column errors during this step move straight onto Step 7.
    • If any mandatory columns are missing from your file an error screen will appear. From here, you'll be able to view the missing column(s) and download a new version of your file to make sure the missing columns are added.
    • Once you've made the required changes, reimport your file by either dragging and dropping it into the window or starting again from Step 2.
  7. Once validation is successful, click Continue with Import.


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