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Lightspeed | Overpayment

Various scenarios for overpayment and how to handle these.  

Scenario: deposit invoice has been sent for 50%. The customer walks in the store and wants to pay the whole invoice (100%). 

Take payment on terminal (separate). 

Take full amount

Add note with invoice number (eg paying in full, 

Go into Xero and create overpayment for balance. 

When job is done, mark this as 'invoiced' do not click on send. 

Go into Xero and apply the balance to the invoice to that it is marked as fully paid. 

Email invoice from Xero. 

Scenario: customer overpays the invoice via direct debit. 

Xero will detect the overpayment and create an overpayment entry for you. 

When you open the next invoice for this customer, Xero will remind you of the credit. 

Credits do not flow through to Lightspeed. Make a manual list to keep track of these credits for the store. 

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