Xero | solutions when FP voids transactions dated b4 conversion date

If FP deletes or voids transactions that pre-date conversion date then the AR or AP balance no longer matches to the conversion balance - Error.

(Ref: #90277)



Accounts Receivable - Invoices

1.  Customer Invoices
a)  re-create each individual invoice and apply the appropriate payments to the invoices.  The invoice numbers would have to be slightly different than the original as Xero will not allow duplicate invoice numbers (including voided invoice numbers)
Accolution could assist by re-importing the voided invoices.  

b) create 1 invoice for the total of the customer invoices that were voided.  A generic contact would have to be used and then apply all the payments received to this invoice so it is paid in full.

Customer Credit Notes
Conceptually, the same options exist for voided Credit Notes as explained above for Customer Invoices, creation of either individual credit notes or 1 credit note.
If a credit note resulted in refund (eg. a payment from PW TTG to the customer) then that credit note should be created so that the payment can be applied to the credit note.
If the credit notes have been voided because they were not "real", then 1 credit note could be created.
To create 1 credit note, use a generic contact like Poolwerx xxx and create it for the full amount of the voided credit notes.  Accoulution recommend using an account such as Other Creditors.  

When the above invoices and credit notes are re-done, recommend checking that the Conversion balances are back in balance.  

After the Conversion balances agree, the payments to invoices can be applied.   
If a bulk invoice/credit note was created (eg. 1 credit note), then it will have to be recorded as 'paid'.  That will have to be done to a Profit and Loss account (eg. not a bank or balance sheet account). Accolution recommend the Cash Shortages and Differences account (it will have to have "enable payments to this account" turned on).

2. Accounts Payable - Bills
Similar options to Accounts Receivable, re-create the individual bills or 1 big bill.

Where multiple suppliers are affected by the voided bills, an option could be to create 1 bill for for each supplier, with the total amount related to the bills voided for that supplier.  
This would allow payments made out of the bank account to be reconciled to the correct supplier and the 1 'big' bill for them.

Accolution can assist with re-importing the voided bill if needed.

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