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Expense Report - Reject claim

Reject an Expense Report via the ESS Centre. If you are approving an expense report, refer to this guide.

Watch the tutorial below, or click the PDF icon for the step-by-step instructions.

For the best viewing experience, we recommend clicking on the full-screen icon below


1. Welcome to the tutorial on how to reject an expense report via the ESS Centre

Step 1 image

2. The first step is to open NetSuite and navigate to your ESS Centre ( Unlocked ) role

Step 2 image

3. Click reminder Expense Report to Approve

Alternatively, navigate to Expense Reports > Transactions > Approve Expense Reports

Step 3 image

4. You might have to choose the Action. If so, select Supervisor : Reject.

Step 4 image

5. Click the expense report date to view all details

Step 5 image

6. Review any Notes

Step 6 image

7. Review all Expenses added, including any receipt or attachments

Step 7 image

8. Click Reject

Step 8 image

9. This will open another page for you to insert any Rejection Reason/Notes for the requestor to review

Step 9 image

10. Click Save.

This will send an email to the requestor telling them the request has been rejected with your note.

Step 10 image

11. To navigate back to the expense report, click the Expense Report link

Step 11 image

12. You can see that the status has been updated to Rejected

Step 12 image

13. Your rejection note will appear under the Rejection Notes tab

Step 13 image

14. That's it. You're done.

Thank you for your time.

Step 14 image

Here's an interactive tutorial

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **

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