Wondering if Technicians can see and amend an item description per Sales order on the mobile app? Yes, and this is a very simple process.
Watch the tutorial below, or click the PDF icon for the step-by-step instructions. 
For the best viewing experience, we recommend clicking on the full-screen icon below
1. Welcome to the tutorial on how the Sales Order item description is now visible and editable by the Tech on the mobile app

2. The technician will open the NextService app and use it as per normal.
When ready, click the Sales Order tab

3. When they select an item, the description/display name (if there is any) will pull into the Description field.
The description can be left as is, or be edited by the Technician.

4. The Tech would complete the sales order as usual, and click Save.
The description added or edited by the tech will sync and show on the Sales Order in NetSuite.

5. Back in NetSuite, you can see that the test text added previously has synced to the Sales order in NetSuite.

6. On the printed Sales order, or Invoice, it will show the item description as per the example on the screen.

7. That's it! You're done.

Here's an interactive tutorial
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **