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Evo Platform | Essential Actions to Perform

Below are a list of essential actions to perform in the Evolution Platform. 


It's crucial to follow these essential actions to ensure smooth operations of your business within the Evolution Platform. Adhering to these guidelines will help maintain accurate data, prevent errors, and avoid disruptions in your workflow.

Actions to Perform

AreaAction & ImpactResource/s
Marketing Territory AssignmentEnsure that your pool addresses are complete and accurate. Incorrect addresses may result in sales being assigned to your default Marketing Territory (MT).Marketing Territory (MT) mapping will now assign sales automatically by a reference table based on suburb, postcode, and transaction type.
Register ClosuresClose each register, including service or van outlets, at the end of each day. Failure to close each register will result in COGs not being recognised in Xero, causing discrepancies in financial records and affecting daily reconciliation and cash flow tracking.

Create suppliers in LightSpeed first. Suppliers created in Xero do not sync to LightSpeed, while LightSpeed suppliers sync to Xero when a purchase order is progressed to a bill.

Supplier Bills from LightSpeed PO

Updated 23/10
Bills created from a LightSpeed PO will use the sync date as both the bill date and due date. Update the bill due dates in Xero after the bill is created to prevent premature bill payments, ensuring accurate cash flow projections.

Create clients in Vital first. Vital offers comprehensive duplication detection, address functionality, and classification. Vital clients sync in real-time to LightSpeed, avoiding delays and potential duplicates.

Products Inactivation'sPerform product inactivation's in both LightSpeed and Vital. Not doing so will lead to discrepancies in product availability and may result in invoice sync failures.
Inventory AdjustmentsManually enter stocktake or other adjustments (e.g., write-offs) into Xero as journal entries. Failing to do so will result in discrepancies in inventory and financial reporting.Integrations | Lightspeed/Xero - Inventory & COGS calculations
POS transactionsCreate all retail transactions in LightSpeed only. Processing retail-based transactions (cash sales or invoices) outside of LightSpeed will lead to inaccurate financial reporting and visibility in the correct systems.
Service transactionsCreate all service invoices in Vital only. Processing service-based transactions (cash sales or invoices) outside of Vital will lead to inaccurate financial reporting and visibility in the correct systems.
Applying credits or partial payments

Initiate invoices requiring credits or partial payments in the correct system and sync them to Xero for application. After syncing, apply the credits or partial payments in Xero and email the invoice from Xero. Credits and partial payments do not update the outstanding amount in LightSpeed or Vital, leading to potential confusion, errors in payment tracking, and reconciliation issues.

Voiding InvoicesVoid invoices in all three systems: Vital (delete), LightSpeed, and Xero. Not voiding in all three systems will lead to reconciliation issues, inventory discrepancies, and reporting errors.Vital Lightspeed Xero | Editing and Voiding of invoices
Charging CCs on FileProcess credit card payments before issuing an invoice. If payment is not processed before sending the invoice, the job will need to be reopened, the invoice reprocessed, and the previous invoice voided in all systems.Vital | Stored credit cards overview

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