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LXV | Product Fields

This guide outlines the key product fields in LightSpeed and explains their significance for product setup and inventory management.

Product Fields

NameThis name will appear on receipts, invoices, in reports, inventory management, and on the Sell screen.
Use the format [Brand] [Product title] / [Sales Channel] / [Size].
BrandSelect a brand from the dropdown, or use "Search all brands" to add a new brand if needed.
DescriptionDetails of the product, key selling points for your staff, or care instructions for fragile items.
TagsAssign tags for filtering, reporting, promotions, or stocktakes.
Product Category:Categorises the product
Sell on Point-of-Sale:Check this box to make the product available for sale.
Product TypeUnder Inventory, select whether your product is a standard product, variant product, or composite product. See Understanding Product Types in LightSpeed.
SKU Code:

The SKU is the unique identifier for a product's stock item. It can be a code you create yourself or an existing product code, like a barcode. In the SKU code type dropdown, select:

  • Auto-generated to auto-generate a SKU code.
  • UPC, EAN, ISBN, ITF, JAN for existing SKU codes of that type.
  • Custom code to create your own SKU code.

You can add multiple codes by clicking "+ Add another code."

Supplier: Select an existing supplier or add a new one.
Supplier Code:If the supplier requires a code to identify the product for purchase orders, enter it in the Supplier code box.
Supplier Price:

Enter the price you pay per unit. It’s recommended to enter this before adding inventory for accurate COGS calculations.

Multiple SuppliersYou can add additional suppliers by clicking "+ Add another supplier" and entering supplier codes and prices.
Track InventoryEnabled by default, Track inventory for this product allows you to input and maintain inventory levels for your products. If you do not wish to track inventory for this product, for example on a service fee item, deselect the checkbox and the product will display an infinite inventory level.
Current Inventory Levels

It's recommended to leave this blank and add inventory through purchase orders for accurate reporting.

Tax:Automatically applies the store’s default tax rate. You can apply product-specific tax if needed.
Price Points:The General Price Book will be added by default. Additional price books can be added as needed. 
Account Codes:

Default account codes are applied automatically unless specified.

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