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Australian Retirement Trust (previously Sunsuper) - USI change

From 1 July 2022 Australian Retirement Trust's (previously Sunsuper) USI changed to 60 905 115 063 003

You'll need to update the ABN and USI to ensure future contributions are received and allocated to your employees' accounts. 

For those using ICS NetSuite payroll, we've updated this for you.  Employees previously linked to the old Sunsuper should now display Australian Retirement Trust with the updated ABN and USI.

Making contributions between 1 July 2022 and 31 October 2022.

There is a transitional period between 1 July 2022 and 31 October to allow you to update your systems to the new USI.  Australian Retirement Trust will contnue to accept your contributions to the former Sunsuper USI during this period.

Making contributions from 1 November 2022

From 1 November 2022, however, contributions data and funds will be rejected if you continue to use the former Sunsuper USI and any contibutions will be returned to you. Rejected payments and late contributions may have implication for your ATO obligation to pay super by the due date.

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