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Lightspeed - How to Transfer Stock

Transferring stock between outlets in Retail POS allows you to maintain accurate inventory levels when physically sending products to other locations within the business, such as from a central warehouse to an outlet, or from outlet to outlet.

Watch the tutorial below, or click the 3 dotted icon  (⁝) in IORAD to download the step-by-step instructions.

View tutorial for detailed step by step 

For the best viewing experience, we recommend clicking on the full-screen icon below


1. Welcome to the tutorial on how to Transfer Stock in Lightspeed

Step 1 image

2. The first step is to click Inventory Tab

Step 2 image

3. Click Transfers

Step 3 image

4. Click Transfer stock

Step 4 image

5. Select the Source outlet or the location where the inventory will be removed from the drop-down.

Step 5 image

6. Select the Destination outlet or location to where the inventory will be sent from the drop-down.

Step 6 image

7. Enter an alternative Reference if you do not wish to use the auto-generated reference.

Step 7 image

8. Choose a date for the transfer to take place. This is an optional field.

Step 8 image

9. Click Choose products.

Step 9 image

10. Add products to the transfer by typing in the product name or scanning the barcode in the Search or scan to add a product.

Step 10 image

11. Once you select a product, enter the number of items you are transferring in the Quantity field.

Step 11 image

12. If a product with variants is selected, a pop-up screen opens for you to select the specific variants you would like to add to the order. 

Step 12 image

13. Tick Variant to be able to select which variant you want to transfer.

Step 13 image

14. Untick Variants you don't want to transfer.

Step 14 image

15. Once the variants are selected and the quantity is specified, click Add variants to transfer.

Step 15 image

16. Click Save transfer

Step 16 image

17. Check the green banner to confirm that the transfer stock is completely saved.

You now need to send the transfer to the destination outlet in order to remove the stock from the source outlet.

Step 17 image

18. Click Email orderIf you do not require email notification of the transfer to the destination outlet, simply click Mark as sent.

Step 18 image

19. Enter the Recipient nameEmailCC, and Message fields. Once completed, click Send.

Step 19 image

20. Click Mark as Sent

Step 20 image

21. Once marked as sent, the transfer can be received at the destination outlet.

Step 21 image

22. Click Receive

Step 22 image

23. Input the number of quantity you want to receive.

Ensure the amount physically received matches the transfer and enter the amount into the Received quantity field.

Step 23 image

24. Click Receive

Step 24 image

25. Click Receive transfer in the popup window.

Step 25 image

26. You'll see a green banner confirmation screen that your order was successfully received.

Step 26 image

27. That's it. You're done.

Thank you for your time.

Step 27 image

Here's an interactive tutorial

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **

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