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Evo Platform | Current System Limitations

This resource is continually evolving and will be updated regularly with new information and workflows.

Below is an outline of the current system limitations across the three systems in the new Evolution Platform. If you have discover a limitation that hasn't been include, please let us know.

User ManagementUsers access is managed separately for each system. 
Client-Pool UnlinkingYou cannot unlink clients from pools that have had water tests.
Serial Number TransferSerial numbers recorded before a sale cannot transferred between outlets. They must be deleted and re-added against the correct outlet.
Serial Numbers SyncSerial numbers do not sync with Vital or Xero.
NEW - 11/09
Batching Invoicing Posting
Batch invoicing will post to the outlet assigned to the first user in the User Mappings table. This is typically the Pooltrackr Support User, which may cause invoices to be assigned to the wrong outlet if not adjusted.
Batch Invoicing Inventory
Inventory is only deducted when the batch invoice is sent, not at the individual invoice level. This may lead to discrepancies in inventory levels while awaiting batch invoice creation.
Error Handling; Invoice sync Regularly check for any invoice syncing errors. If invoices fail to sync between system, there will be inconsistencies in sales reporting and revenue.
Error Handling; Register ClosuresEnsure that the each register closure successfully syncs with Xero. Failure to do can result in discrepancies in financial records, affecting daily reconciliation and cash flow tracking.
Credit Cards Storage

Credit cards on file are stored and used exclusively in Vital. They cannot be charged in Xero or LightSpeed.
Credit Cards for Batch/Split Invoicing
Credit cards on file cannot currently be charged for split or batch invoices. Payments must be processed manually or via bank transfer, which can lead to inefficiencies and delays in payment.
Visibility of credit/
partial payments
Prepayments, overpayments, and credit memos must be created in Xero and therefore not available in LightSpeed or Vital.
Automatic Invoice Reminders Invoices from Vital and LightSpeed must be manually marked as “sent” in Xero to trigger automated reminders. Invoices not marked as “sent” will not prompt reminders, potentially leading to delayed payments.
NEW - 11/09
Quote Deposit Invoices
Quotes are currently posted to the main outlet for the Franchise.

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