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Xero | Fast track | Finance Manager


Module 1 - Banking



  • Add Bank/Credit Card Account

  • Manage Credit Card Account

  • Manage Petty Cash in Xero

  • Set up Loan in Xero

  • Record Cheque Numbers

Module 2 - Vendor Bills



  • Add/Approve Bills in Xero

  • Email Bills to Xero Account

  • Edit Bills

  • Add/Change or Delete Planned Payment Dates for Bills

  • Delete or Void Bills

  • View Unpaid Bills in Xero

  • Add/Edit a Repeating Bill

  • Delete Repeating Bill Templates

  • Pay Bills via EFT

  • Add Supplier Credit Note

  • View/Edit Supplier Credit Notes

  • Void/Delete Suppliers Credit Note

  • Apply Credit Note to a Bill

  • Record Payment of a Bill

  • Find/View Batch Payments

  • Edit Batch Payments

  • Delete Batch Payments

  • Send Remittance Advice

Module 3 – Client Invoicing



  • Create Invoice for Client in Xero

  • Record Bad Debt in Xero

  • View Client Statements

  • Send Client Statements

  • Record Payment on Client Invoice

  • Record Client Prepayment in Xero

  • Edit/Void Client Prepayment

  • Create/Approve Client Credit Note

  • Apply Prepayment or Credit to Invoice

  • Voiding an invoice

Module 4 – Banking & Accounting



  • Understanding Reconciliations in Xero

  • Reconcile your Bank Account

  • View Bank Recon Details

  • Manage & Reconcile Bank Charges

  • Process Client/Supplier Refund

  • Create a Bank Rule

  • Edit/Delete Bank Rule

  • Add/Import/Post Journal Entries

  • View/Edit/Copy Journal Entries

  • Set up a Repeating Journal

  • Record Cash Purchases into Xero

  • Lock Periods

  • File BAS

  • Complete Year End in Xero

  • Managing Fixed Assets

  • Reconcile Till Shortages & Discrepancies

  • Process Payments Using Credit Card on File Information

  • Record Supplier Rebates

  • Create Budget

  • View/Update Budget

Best practices

Best Practices



Job sheets and invoices are sent together

This practice ensures clarity and transparency for the client. By providing both documents simultaneously, clients can easily cross-reference the work completed with the corresponding invoice, reducing confusion and potential disputes.


Trading terms set to COD with card on file

Where possible, COD minimises the risk of non-payment and ensures steady cashflow.


Invoicing within 24-48 hours of job completion

The reason for this is that stock decrements are posted to LightSpeed at the time of generating invoices, not when products are added to a job. Therefore, FPs who have a slow approval process where the invoice goes to the office for checking before it's sent to the client will have a delay in inventory accuracy. By progressing the jobs to invoices imminently, you ensure accurate stock management and prevent any discrepancies in inventory tracking.

This practice maintains consistency and accuracy in your financial and inventory management processes, ensuring smooth operations and minimising errors.

Adding a client

Minimum client details obtained: Name, postcode plus an additional identifier (phone or email address)

Collecting essential client information such as name, postcode, and contact details (phone or email address) establishes a foundation for effective communication and client support. These details serve as valuable identifiers for client management and facilitate outreach for promotional activities or service reminders.

Storing credit card details

All CC details held within compliant PCI system

Adhering to PCI standards ensures the security and confidentiality of sensitive payment information. Storing credit card details within a compliant system reduces the risk of data breaches and safeguards client trust and loyalty.

Obtaining credit card details

When obtaining credit card details, you must obtain a signed credit card authorisation form

When obtaining credit card details, it's imperative to secure a signed credit card authorization form from the cardholder. This form serves as a legally binding agreement between the cardholder and your business, authorising the use of the credit card for payment purposes. By obtaining this authorization in writing, you mitigate the risk of disputes or unauthorised charges, ensuring compliance with payment card industry regulations and enhancing security for both parties involved. Additionally, the authorization form provides clarity regarding the terms of payment, including any applicable fees, cancellation policies, or recurring charges, thereby promoting transparency and client trust. Overall, requiring a signed credit card authorization form safeguards against potential liabilities and facilitates smooth transactions, while also demonstrating a commitment to ethical and secure payment practices.

Credit card authorisation handling and storage

Upon obtaining the signed authorization form, it is imperative to promptly input the credit card details into Vital's secure system for processing. Subsequently, the bottom section of the credit card authorization form, containing sensitive information, should be securely shredded to prevent unauthorised access. Meanwhile, the sanitized authorization form must be uploaded to the client's record in Vital for future reference.

Once a signed credit card authorization form is obtained, it's imperative to handle and store the credit card details securely and in compliance with data protection regulations. The authorized credit card details must be entered into Vital's secure system for processing payments. Subsequently, the bottom portion of the credit card authorization form, containing sensitive information such as the card number, should be securely shredded to prevent unauthorised access or misuse.

Furthermore, the credit card authorization form itself, stripped of sensitive details, should be uploaded to the client record in Vital for reference and verification purposes. It's crucial to ensure that credit card details are not stored in any unsecure or unauthorised areas where they could be accessed by unauthorised personnel. This includes both physical storage locations and digital systems.

By adhering to these strict protocols for handling and storing credit card authorizations, businesses can safeguard sensitive financial information, protect customer privacy, and maintain compliance with regulatory standards. This ensures the integrity and security of payment transactions, instilling confidence in customers and mitigating the risk of data breaches or fraudulent activities.


Minimum Supplier information obtained/entered

Chart of Accounts 

Maintain the Master Chart of Accounts Set by PSC Finance Team

Adhering to the master chart of accounts established by the PSC Finance Team ensures consistency and uniformity in financial reporting across the network. Any requests for additional charts will undergo review and authorisation by the Finance Management Team to uphold integrity and accuracy in financial record-keeping. This centralised approach promotes standardised accounting practices, facilitates effective financial analysis, and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements. Additionally, it minimises the risk of errors or discrepancies in financial reporting, contributing to the overall financial stability and transparency of the Poolwerx network.

Job sheets and invoices are sent together

This practice ensures clarity and transparency for the client. By providing both documents simultaneously, clients can easily cross-reference the work completed with the corresponding invoice, reducing confusion and potential disputes.

Add bill into Xero

Attach the bill (Xero App to upload the photo or unique email account to get into to the library) for audit purposes

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