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Decommissioning Franchise Partner Roles

Evolution Insider 22/11/2023, Bulletins 11/12/2023, 22/01/2024

As part of our commitment to enhance security and streamline role management, from 1 February 2024, the following roles will be decommissioned: 

1.   Franchise Partner 

2.   Franchise Partner v2

3.   Franchise Partner v3 

4.  Franchise Partner (Mobile)

The PWX Franchise Partner (Retail) will be the only role in use which will also facilitate a smoother transition for mobile-only businesses to Retail as they will not need to be assigned another NetSuite role.

Action Required: Transition to Franchise Partner (Retail) Role

Please start using this updated version immediately and familiarise yourself with the refined navigation menu, update your personal preferences to match your old role and transfer any personalised shortcuts, as they won’t transfer automatically. 

You may find these guides useful:

Dashboard - Copy shortcut links from one NetSuite role to another

How to add Search Portlet on your Dashboard

Add 'Search by client address' portlet on your dashboard

How to Add Reminders in Dashboard

Set Up Personal Preferences - General

Alternatively, you may wish to watch this 15-minute video of our Stephen Moore here demonstrating the above for Franchise Partners that have already transitioned to only use the PWX Franchise Partner (Retail) role back in July 2023.

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