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LXV | Selling Products with Serial Numbers

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This SOP outlines the procedures for selling products with serial numbers, ensuring proper documentation and tracking within Vital, LightSpeed, and Xero.

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This SOP is intended for all personnel involved in the sale of serialised products, particularly those responsible for sales transactions, inventory management, and equipment tracking.

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  • Information required: Access to Vital, LightSpeed, and Xero; knowledge of serial number tracking.

  • Supplies needed: Serialised products, access to relevant systems (Vital, LightSpeed, Xero).

Users with solid fill




PSC Business Analyst

Analyses and documents the business requirements and processes, maps and transforms product data, validates and manages product data in LightSpeed.


Completes the job and initiates the sale of serialised products.

Inventory Manager

Manages serialised product inventory and ensures correct serial number assignment.

Sales Manager/

Ensures proper entry of serial numbers and completion of sales transactions.


Scenario: Sale Initiated in LightSpeed

  1. Process Sale

    1. Open LightSpeed and navigate to the sell screen.

    2. Add the client to the sale.

    3. Add the product to the sell screen by scanning the barcode, using the search bar, or selecting it on the quick keys.

  2. Enter Serial Number:

    1. Click 'Pay'. The "Record a serial number" box opens.

    2. Locate the serial number on the physical product being sold, enter it in the field, and click 'Continue'.

    3. If the serial number entered does not match any captured on the serial numbers page, LightSpeed will prompt you to capture it as a new serial number or retype the serial number.

    4. If you pre-record serial numbers, check the serial number page to identify why it can't find the serial number entered.

  3. Process the Payment.

  4. Update Vital (optional):

    1. Optionally, if the product sold is related to a pool you service, add the equipment onto the pool record in Vital and include the serial number in the equipment details. Refer to Adding Equipment in Vital for detailed instructions.

Scenario: Sale Initiated from Vital 

  1. Complete Job and Send Invoice:

    1. Complete the job in Vital and send the invoice which includes the serialised product. 

    2. The invoice will sync to LightSpeed (and Xero).

  2. Open LightSpeed:

    1. Take note of the invoice number and navigate to LightSpeed

    2. Change the outlet to the Technician's outlet.

    3. Navigate to the sales history and locate the invoice.

    4. Click 'Continue Sale'. The sale will appear in the sell screen

  3. Enter Serial Number:

    1. Click 'Pay'. The "Record a serial number" box opens.

    2. Locate the serial number on the physical product being sold, enter it in the field, and click 'Continue'.

    3. If the serial number entered does not match any captured on the serial numbers page, LightSpeed will prompt you to capture it as a new serial number or retype the serial number.

    4. If you pre-record serial numbers, check the serial number page to identify why it can't find the serial number entered.

    5. The serial number will now be associated with the sale.

  4. Update Vital (optional):

    1. Optionally, Add the equipment onto the pool record in Vital and include the serial number in the equipment details. Refer to Adding Equipment in Vital for detailed instructions.

Completed with solid fill

Best Practices:

  • Ensure all high-value products have serial numbers enabled and recorded.

  • Always ensure the serial number is correctly entered and associated with the sale.

  • Regularly update the pool records in Vital to include all serialised equipment.

  • Maintain clear records of serialised products for accurate inventory tracking and customer service.

Folder outline

 Additional Resources:

Closed book with solid fill





Standard Operating Procedure


Franchise Partner

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