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Lightspeed | Drum deposits and returns

This guide is currently under review

We are currently reviewing this guide following changes to the product catalog setup. If you encounter any issues please reach out to the support team. 

Below is the setup and best practice process for managing drum deposits and returns in Lightspeed. 


  • You first need to start with a Product, with inventory tracked or not (up to you), called 'Drum'. 
  • For those purchase with the chemical + drum, you would create a composite (kit) that includes the chemical + the drum product


  • Add customer to the sale
  • Search and select the correct drum product
    • When selling the drum by itself (if you do this), you would just select the drum product. 
    • When selling the drum + chemicals, you would select the composite product (kit). 
  • Process the sale as normal 


If the Original transaction is available:

  • Locate the transaction the Sales History or scan the QR code on the receipt
  • Click Return items
  • Search the 'Drum' product (not the kit) to add to the refund transaction
  • Adjust the qty to -1
  • Remove the other items from the original transaction that are not being refunded (this is important to remove the kit, as it will return the chemical stock)
  • Continue to refund the drum deposit amount (or put to store credit)

If no original transaction available:

  • Navigate to the sell screen
  • Add customer to the transactions
  • Search and add the 'drum' product (not the kit) to the transaction
  • Adjust the qty to -1
  • Continue to refund the drum deposit amount (or put to store credit)

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