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LXV | Editing Products

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This SOP outlines the procedures for preparing and migrating product data to LightSpeed, ensuring data integrity and consistency throughout the process.

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This SOP is intended for personnel involved in the product data migration process to LightSpeed.

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  • Information required: Current product data in NetSuite, data mapping tool, product data report, duplicate product report, and LightSpeed credentials.

  • Supplies needed: Access to FP Shared folder, NetSuite, and LightSpeed.

Users with solid fill




PSC Business Analyst

Analyses and documents the business requirements and processes, maps and transforms product data, validates and manages product data in LightSpeed.

Franchise Partner

Identifies and prepares product data for migration, validates data pre-go-live.

Inventory Manager

Assisst in the product validation. 

Completed with solid fill


On the Products page in the Catalog section of LightSpeed, you can add products, variant or composite products. 

  • product is a single SKU product with its own inventory.

  • A variant product is a group of similar products with different attributes like size or sales channel. Each variant is a unique SKU with its own inventory, housed under a parent product. 

  • a composite product can be one of two options. Either options do not hold stock. These are:

    • option 1: a group of products made up of quantities of one or more that are sold together

    • Option 2: a fractional composite, which pulls inventory from a parent product.

Understanding the Difference Between Variants and Composite Products

It's important to understand the differences between variant and composite products as both are used in LightSpeed. Within the Poolwerx Standard Product Catalog, variant products are typically used for retail items that come in different units of measure, such as purchase UOM and sell UOM. One key advantage of variant products is that you can perform stock takes on them directly.

 On the other hand, composite products are predominantly used for field products within the Standard Catalog. These are a fractional composite of the parent product. Unlike variant products, composite products cannot have stocktakes taken directly on them. To manage inventory for composite products, you need to convert the stock back to the parent product before performing a stocktake. For example, the 'parent' product might be how you purchase the product, e.g., 20L, and the composite product will be how you sell the product, e.g., 1L. Therefore, the composite product is a 0.05 fraction of the parent product.

Adding a new product

Folder outline

 Additional Resources:

  • Refer to LightSpeed Catalog for detailed instructions on adding products into LightSpeed.

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Standard Operating Procedure


Franchise Partner


Poolwerx Support Centre


Cost of Goods Sold

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