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Lightspeed - Purchase Order Status

How to check the Purchase Order state in Lightspeed and what the order states means.

Checking Purchase Order Status

  • Navigate to Inventory tab > Stock Control > Order
  • You may change the show filter to see what Purchase order is still open or pending.
  • Check the Status column to see the state of your Purchase order

What do the different purchase order states mean?

  • Open-The purchase order is in a draft state. It can be edited and updated. 
  • Sent-The purchase order has been sent to your supplier to be prepared for delivery. 
  • Dispatched-The order is being delivered. The order state will now be 'in transit'. The products in the order will be noted with a truck icon. 
  • Received- The order has arrived at your store. The inventory of products in the order will be updated accordingly. 

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