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Lightspeed | Create a Price Book

This article describes the procedures for creating a Price Book in Lightspeed.

To set up a price book:

  1. Navigate to Catalog > Price books
  2. Click Add Price book
  3. Enter the settings for your price book:
    1. Name - A recognisable name for your price book.

    2. Customer group - Who the pricing applies to. This can be all customers or one or more specific group of customers. Click the drop-down to select the customer groups that will be assigned to the price book. You may assign a price book to as many customer groups as you wish.

    3. Outlet - Which stores the pricing applies to. This can be all stores or one or more specific stores. Click the drop-down to select the outlet locations that will be assigned to the price book. You can assign a price book to as many outlets as you wish.

    4. Valid from - the date you want your pricing/sale to start. Leave blank to start immediately.

    5. Valid to - the date you want your sale/pricing to end. Your sale will run up to (but not including) this date. Leave it blank for an ongoing sale.

  4. Finally, click the Save Price book button

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