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LightSpeed Promotions | Process a sale with a Promotion Product

This guide covers how to process a retail sale with a promotional product.

Current Promo: DIY with Confidence.

Note:  This link will change depending on Promotions throughout the year. 

Process a sale with Promotional Product

  1. Navigate to the Sell Screen in Lightspeed 
  2. Assign the Client to the sale
  3. Add the Product/s to the sale
  4. You can search for the product in the search bar or scan the barcode. 
  5. Once the product is added, you'll see a notification indicating that a promotion is available for this product.
  6.  Click Show Details to view the promotion details
  7. A summary will show the product tied to the promotion under Buy 1 of the following. This is the product in the cart.
  8. Click Get 1 of the following to see the free items attached to the promotion.
  9. Select one of the options in the Get 1 of the following options by copying the Product name and pasting it in the search for products
  10.  Then select the composite product to the sale
  11. Then process the sale through to collection of payment.

For a detailed guide with screenshots, please click here


Ensure you select one of the composite products in the Get 1 of the Following section. Do not add the free item via its usual SKU as this will lead to inaccurate sales reporting, as the promotional reports will be based on the two composite SKUs.

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