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LXV | Apply Xero credit note to Lightspeed Invoice

Since Credit notes applied to invoices in Xero do not to sync over to Retail POS. You need to manually add a payment to a sale through the Sales History. You can follow the steps below : 

  1. Sign in to Retail POS as an admin or manager
  2. Click Sales History
  3. Search for the sale
  4. Click on the sale
  5. Click Edit

6. Click Add another payment

7. Select the payment type "Other"

8. Select a date/time for the payment

9. Type the payment amount

10. Save changes

Note : The payment will not sync to Xero, this manually adding of payment will just close the sale in LightSpeed. Also,  it will not charge the CC (if any).


After saving, the status on LS will change to complete but it will on Sync :


Why won't a credit note applied in Xero sync to Retail POS (X-Series)? – Lightspeed Retail (X-Series)

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