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Lightspeed - How to add composite product

A composite product is made up of specified quantities of one or more existing standard products or products with variants.

For products that are purchased in bulk and sold in a smaller size. During the training in June we promoted 'composite' products, but it turns out that variants is the right way. However, composites are still used, but in a different way. 

  • Variant = same product but sold in different package sizes eg box of 8, box of 4, single bottle. Create/edit the parent product and add the variants. 
  • Composite product = product that is purchased as 10kg and sold in 1kg is a 'composite' of 0.1kg of the parent product. 

Do not change the SKU codes as this is important for ecommerce (future). 

Watch the tutorial below, or click the 3 dotted icon  (⁝) in IORAD to download the step-by-step instructions.

View tutorial for detailed step by step 

For the best viewing experience, we recommend clicking on the full-screen icon below


1. Welcome to the tutorial on how to Add Composite Product 

Step 1 image

2. The first step is to click Catalog tab.

Step 2 image

3. Click Add product

Step 3 image

4. Enter Item Name.

Make sure to add prefix before the item name.

Step 4 image

5. Select the Vendor/ Brand of the item.

Step 5 image

6. Typed in Item description.

Step 6 image

7. Add Tags or Keyword for easy filtering of the item when search through global search.

Step 7 image

8. Select the Product Categories.

Step 8 image

9. Check the "Sell on point of sale" to show the item in POS.

Step 9 image

10. Drag or upload the product image of the item.

Step 10 image

11. Click Composite Product

Step 11 image

12. Under SKU codes, select if you want the SKU to be auto generated

Step 12 image

13. or to enter a custom SKU.

Step 13 image

14. To add Product for this Composite product, type and search or scan the product.

Step 14 image

15. Once the item is added, update the number of quantity you want to add for this certain product for this composite item.

Step 15 image

16. Click remove icon if you want to remove the added item.

Step 16 image

17. Scroll down and select correct Tax computation for this item.

Step 17 image

18. Under Price and loyalty page, Type in the Sell price of the item in retail price.

Make sure to add the price with tax included.

Step 18 image

19. Mark up and Margin will be automatically computed and filled once retail price is added.

Step 19 image

20. Click Add another price point if you want to add another price for specific group.

Step 20 image

21. Click "Choose price point" to view and select which client group you want this certain sell price be available.

Step 21 image

22. Once added, make sure the computation is correct.

Step 22 image

23. If Loyalty program is open on your account, select how much the client will earn when they purchase this product.

Step 23 image

24. Enter the Sales Account code and Purchase Account Code to be posted in XERO.

Step 24 image

25. Click Save

Step 25 image

26. Make sure the green banner shows up to confirm that the items was added.

Step 26 image

27. That's it. You're done.

Thank you for your time.

Step 27 image

Here's an interactive tutorial

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **

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