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Module 1 – Standard processes



Creating New Records

  • Creating Individual Contact with Pool

  • Create Company Contact no Pool

  • Set up Real Estate Contact (PM)

  • Set up Real Estate Contact (Tenant)

  • View and Edit Contacts

  • Link and Unlink Contacts VIDEO

  • View Pools and Create/Edit Pools

  • Link and Unlink Pools with Contacts

Module 2 – Quote processes



  • Create a quote

  • Edit a quote

  • Quotes List - Open Quotes - Archived Quote

  • Convert a quote to a one-off job

Module 3 – Jobs



  • Create a one-off new job

  • Create a recurring job

  • Add additional tech to one-off job and Create follow up jobs

  • Jobs Calendar View

  • Edit Job from Calendar or List View

  • Edit Job in Recurrence List

  • Invoicing Completed Jobs amd Splitting Invoices

  • Enable batch invoicing for a client and Sending Batch Invoices

  • Void an invoice

  • Buy SMS Credits

  • Create a seasonal job

Module 4 – Admin



  • Setup job templates

  • Job Colours

  • Tags

Business process

Business process



Best practice for job naming and tagging

Standardising job naming conventions and tagging ensures consistency in data organisation and facilitates easy retrieval of information. Clear and descriptive job names improve communication among team members and streamline workflow processes.

Adding a client

Minimum client details obtained: Name, postcode plus an additional identifier (phone or email address)

Collecting essential client information such as name, postcode, and contact details (phone or email address) establishes a foundation for effective communication and client support. These details serve as valuable identifiers for client management and facilitate outreach for promotional activities or service reminders.


Review and Manage Duplicate Client Records

It is essential to maintain a clean client base to optimise marketing efforts, personalise services, and capitalise on future digital opportunities and technologies such as e-commerce, client apps, and remote water pool testing. By ensuring accurate and up-to-date client data, businesses can enhance client experiences, tailor marketing campaigns effectively, and unlock the potential for innovative digital solutions. Managing duplicate client records minimises confusion, streamlines communication, and fosters trust and loyalty among clients. Additionally, a clean client database lays the foundation for efficient business operations and sustainable growth in the evolving digital landscape.


Perform Client Merge Across Systems. Procedure:
1. Conduct the merge in Vital for contacts, referencing LS or Xero for financial data.
2. Perform the same merge in Lightspeed (LS).
3. If both contacts exist in Xero, conduct the merge in Xero. Note that both contacts may not exist in Xero, as a contact only hits Xero if the client has transacted with Poolwerx.

Consistently merging client records across all systems—Pooltrackr, Lightspeed (LS), and Xero—ensures data integrity and accuracy throughout the organisation. Vital serves as the primary system for managing client contacts, while LS and Xero provide additional financial data. By conducting merges in Vital first and referencing LS or Xero for financial information, discrepancies between systems are minimised, and a unified client profile is maintained. The conditional merge in Xero ensures that duplicate contacts are consolidated when present, aligning with best practices for efficient data management and ensuring seamless financial transactions across platforms.

Scheduling a service

Credit card details obtained and held on file to secure booking

Securing credit card details in advance helps mitigate the risk of appointment no-shows or last-minute cancellations. It serves as a commitment from the client and provides recourse for missed appointments, ensuring the efficient allocation of resources and minimising revenue loss.

Obtaining CC details

When obtaining credit card details, you must obtain a signed credit card authorisation form

When obtaining credit card details, it's imperative to secure a signed credit card authorization form from the cardholder. This form serves as a legally binding agreement between the cardholder and your business, authorising the use of the credit card for payment purposes. By obtaining this authorization in writing, you mitigate the risk of disputes or unauthorised charges, ensuring compliance with payment card industry regulations and enhancing security for both parties involved. Additionally, the authorization form provides clarity regarding the terms of payment, including any applicable fees, cancellation policies, or recurring charges, thereby promoting transparency and client trust. Overall, requiring a signed credit card authorization form safeguards against potential liabilities and facilitates smooth transactions, while also demonstrating a commitment to ethical and secure payment practices.

Regular Service Scheduling

Client signs and retains Regular Service Agreement

Securing a signed agreement on service terms ensures mutual understanding and accountability between the business and the client. By formalising the arrangement, it reduces the likelihood of miscommunication, disputes, and unmet expectations. Additionally, having a signed contract provides legal protection for both parties in case of any issues or disagreements. This practice not only fosters trust and confidence but also upholds the professional integrity of Poolwerx as the service provider. 

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