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Payroll | Migration from Netsuite to Xero payroll

For most franchises your Netsuite payroll will be migrated prior to your Go Live target date. This earlier transition will ensure that the first payrun scheduled for July will be conducted in Xero, aligning better with Single Touch Payroll (STP) reporting dates and ensuring we meet all regulatory requirements smoothly. 

You will continue to use Netsuite for the rest of your business operations until your Go Live target date.

Where can I learn how to use the new Xero Payroll?

Checkout our training schedule for the latest training sessions on Xero Payroll.

Migration key steps

Transitioning employee leave balances to Xero

After processing your final pay run in NetSuite, please inform Accolution (Dan) of the employee leave balances as of the date of that last pay run. You can extract these balances from Netsuite by following our support guide.

Once you’ve sent across to Accolution they will then update the employee records in Xero and you will be ready to process the next pay run in Xero.

Finalising the 23/24 tax year in NetSuite

Once the final pay run for the financial year 23/24 has been processed in NetSuite, and you are certain there will be no further payments or adjustments, you can finalize the tax year, even if it is before July 1, 2024.

Please refer to this support guide for how to complete.

Remember, the ATO deadline for STP finalisation is July 14 each year.

Only use Xero for Payroll purposes

While you have early access to Xero, please use it solely for Payroll purposes until you go live. We understand the excitement of exploring the new system, but please resist the temptation to "poke around," as we've had to correct unintended changes from recent cutovers.

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