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Settings section of Vital.  

Roles in Vital
Access to admin sectionFranchise partner role

Items in Settings menuContent
My business
  • General: contact & address details for set-up
  • Brand: signature of invoices and quotes
  • Trading terms: toggle the desired trading terms (generic), with option to change this on the contact level (individual)
Plan & Payment
  • Your credit card for SMS texts
  • Your plan
  • Billing details
  • Add/edit/remove users > this comes at a cost.
  • How to add users: users
  • Add locations: locations
  • Email: email settings including the text for the quote template
  • Settings: toggle the enable deposits, display the task list, enable SKU codes on quotes, standard expiry period, option to resend quotes and a footer message that appears after the quote items
  • Email: email settings including the text for the job template for contacts
  • Job sheet: toggle to enable showing invoice notes, show job photos, show tasks lists, show water test results, show chemical actions, how chemical history and add a job sheet disclaimer message
  • Invoice: toggle show invoice notes, enable SKU on invoices, set the invoice prefix and add/change payment details. 
  • Colours: add or edit colour labels
  • Job templates: create, edit or delete job templates. 
  • Notifications: toggle to enable a booking reminder with SMS text to be sent the chosen number of hours before the scheduled job, an update SMS text if the booking has changed, SMS text to confirm a job is completed and a SMS text to inform the contact that the technician is en-route to the job. 
  • Recurrence periods: create, edit or delete periods eg winter and summer and set them as active
Batch billing
  • Email: email settings including the text used for batch billing
  • Settings: batch settings toggle to enable attaching individual invoices, set the prefix for invoices, pick between compact or expand to show no or all line items, to send the job sheet on completion and to attach job sheets
  • Email: email settings including the text for the next test reminder and the water test results
  • Notifications: toggle to enable the next test reminder and set the number of days before due plus the SMS text, configure the water test results SMS text
  • Settings: toggle to pick the default pH reducer, toggle to show the contact email or contact phone number, configure multiple report layouts, set the default spin disc type for the water test and set the test frequency for Pools, Spa and Swim Spa. 
Data Management
Disabled during the migration
  • Contacts: to deduplicate contacts based on any combination of  name, email, address, postcode, number of pools
  • Pools: to deduplicate pools based on any combination of linked contact, address, pool type, surface and sanitiser
  • Import: script to import jobs or historical water tests
  • Create, edit or delete tags for contacts, pools, jobs/quotes and users

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