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Vital | Send job sheet separate from invoice

This article will show you how to send the job sheet separately from the invoice should  you want to. 

Role required: technician admin, scheduler or franchise partner

How to use: 

  • Once a job is ready to have its job sheet sent out individually, from the job interface, click the actions button on the top right of page

  • Select Preview & Send Job sheet

  • Review the content, if satisfied, click ‘Send’.

How to edit the email template:

  • Expand the Setup menu, and click jobs.

  • Click on Email.

  • Click on the Job Sheet.

  • From here the FP can edit:

    • ‘Reply To’ email address. By default this is the org’s email.

    • CC emails if required, press enter after each CC is entered to ensure its saved

    • Modify contents of the mail

    • Enable/disable the toggle for show job photos and attach job sheets.

  • Once any edits are made, click on Save Job Sheet Settings in the top right hand corner of the screen.

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