Check out the updated Prepare for Evolution section for the latest training schedules/recordings and support articles.

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General Prep | Get your team ready

The transition to the new Evolution Platform will touch all areas of your business and it will be important that your whole team is ready for this change.

How can I help my team?

Below are some suggestions on how you can prepare your team ahead of the cutover for your business.

Sharing rollout updates

  • Organise a group discussion with your team about what is changing and what is required of them
  • Share and/or print the rollout info pack which includes timelines for rollout, training and data migration.
  • Let your team know your rollout date so they can be ready to assist with the onboarding and cutover phases.


  • Make sure the team is attending the live online training sessions and understand the importance of taking it seriously.
  • Remind the team that there will be refresher training in following months along with the Academy resources.


  • Ensure they know where they can go to get support (Support Portal, Academy)

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