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Vital | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Technicians

Frequently Asked Questions after and during the initial training of Vital. 


MODULE 1 Vehicle Stock Processes

MODULE 2 Standard Job  Processes

MODULE 3 In Field Quote Processes

MODULE 1 Vehicle Stock Processes

  • How does Vital integrate with Lightspeed for van stock?

    • Each van in your business is an Outlet in Lightspeed (ie a stock location).

    • In Vital, under Setup>Integrations>Lightspeed Integration, you will specify which tech in Vital is associated with which Lightspeed Outlet and User account. Therefore, when that Vital tech is adding products to jobs in Vital, they will be drawing from the inventory of that product in the specified Outlet.

    • If a tech is going to be using their non-standard van for a period (eg they are covering for another tech who is on leave), you will change the Outlet allocated to that Vital tech on the Setup>Integrations>Lightspeed Integration page.  Caution - make sure to close all the jobs that are currently open for the tech before changing their Outlet, otherwise the previous jobs they’ve completed will also draw from the new Outlet, not just future jobs (and similarly, complete and invoice all jobs at the end of the day before changing the tech back to their normal van/outlet).

MODULE 2 Standard Job  Processes

  • If I don’t tick a Task as having been completed, will that appear on the job report?

    • No, only ticked Tasks will be displayed on the job report.

  • What if the phone enters a signal “blackspot” during the day?

    • As long as, at the start of the day, the tech had signal and logged into the app (and therefore the app was up to date at the start of the day), then periods of signal-loss during the day will not impact the tech using the app, accessing jobs, entering information etc. The app will store the information and sync automatically again when the phone is back into signal.

  • What app functionality differences are there between regular Tech role and Admin Tech role?

    • Quotes - regular tech can create a new quote but there are no prices displayed so the quote would need to be saved as draft for the office to review and send.

    • Pools and Contacts - regular tech can only search pools and contacts that they are currently assigned to a job for.

    • Prices - regular tech can’t see or amend product prices

    • Invoice - regular tech can’t progress a job to an invoice and send the invoice (but they can add products to the job and complete the job).

    • Jobs - regular tech cannot reschedule or delete a job. 

MODULE 3 In Field Quote Processes

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