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Common inquiries and resolutions

Quickly and efficiently resolve common inquiries with these solutions 

Note: Currently, there is no mobile app available for the platform. Instead, you will access the system through a web browser on your mobile device. However, please note that the full functionality and user experience of the platform will be enhanced in the future with the release of the field service management system (phase two). During this interim period, the system will be accessible in the field for conducting water tests, but some features, such as offline capability without an internet connection, will not be available.

Conducting a water test (Lab)

Sanitisers such as Mineral, Ironiser, and Ozone are missing from the Spin disk sanitiser field. Is this expected?Expected behaviourFor more information on the alignment between pool sanitisers and disc sanitisers, please refer to the documentation on understanding pool sanitisers' alignment with disc sanitisers
Differentiate who is conducting the test e.g locationsExpected behaviourWill require an additional user licence. Costs per additional user are:
  • $8 AUD for AU
  • $9 NZD for NZ
  • US TBC

Location differentiation has been added to the Product backlog for future assessment. 

Why doesn't the Disk type default to the previously selected one for a pool?Expected behaviourThe reason for this is to let the spin machine know which disk type you are testing with so that it can perform the correct test. Even if you typically test with only one disk type, you still need to manually select it to ensure accurate results.

We have added this suggestion to the product backlog for future consideration of logging the disk type on the Pool itself.
Do I need to do anything to sync my spin unit to be able to use the new software?
Expected behaviourRetail stores
  1. You need to have WaterLink Connect 2 installed on your device/s. 
  2. Open WaterLlink Connect 2, plug in your Spin and update the firmware.
  3. Refer to Conduct a water test to sync your spin with the platform

You can manually enter the results into Vital for now. Once the field service management system is launched and the app becomes available, you will be able to sync the Spin unit with the app via Bluetooth. This will allow for automatic synchronization of the test results into the system, providing a more streamlined process.
'Generate report' button is greyed outExpected behaviour
Clear the cache

Analysis report

When I deselect a chemical test, it still appears on the analysis report. Is this a bug? Expected behaviourDeselecting a chemical test only removes it from the testing screen and does not affect the analysis report. The purpose of deselecting a test is to provide the tester with only the relevant tests they want to perform on a given sample.
Why is salt now recommended by kgs instead of bags, as it was in the previous system?Expected behaviourThe unit of measurement was changed to kg instead of bags to improve the quality of water and service that we provide to clients. As a result, staff will need to mentally calculate the correct amount of product to sell to the client.
Can the report be customized to show only specific test results based on the disk type used?Added to the product backlogCurrently, the report can only be set to show tests by default, regardless of the disk type. The option to customize the report based on the disk type has been added to our product backlog for future consideration.
Two alkalinity levels are provided: alkalinity and alkalinity (adjusted). What is the difference between the two?Expected behaviour

Total Alkalinity measures the amount of alkaline substances in the water, which is important for balancing the pH and preventing corrosion or scaling in the pool. However, one common issue with this measurement is that it can be affected by the presence of cyanuric acid, which is a chemical used to stabilize chlorine in pools.

To address this issue, the new Vital platform includes a second measurement called Total Alkalinity (Adjusted), which takes into account the effect of cyanuric acid on the Total Alkalinity reading. By subtracting the impact of cyanuric acid, this measurement provides a more accurate and reliable reading of the true alkalinity level in the water.

Is 0.2ppm the correct threshold for the system to recommend a non-chlorine shock when combined chlorine exceeds it? The previous system was 1ppm.Expected behaviourBased on current industry guidelines, a combined chlorine level exceeding 0.2ppm indicates the need to treat the pool with a non-chlorine shock.

This threshold is supported by guidelines from QLD Heath, VIC Health & Human Services, and NSW Guidelines for Public Swimming Pools and Spa Pools 2022, which state a maximum of 1.0 mg/L and ideally less than 0.2 mg/L for combined chlorine levels.

Imported data

Why is my imported test history not showing on the analysis report and appearing as the previous grey result?Expected behaviourOnly the tests performed within the refreshed Vital system will be included in the analysis report. Imported data will not be pulled through.
I can't see my imported tests under the Water Test History tab. Why?Expected behaviourImported test reports cannot be downloaded or resubmitted/sent to the client from within the refreshed Vital platform, which is what this area provides. To access imported test data, please refer to the water test tab on the pool itself.

Usability/Navigation of the platform

If I change the layout of a screen, will it change for other users in my franchise?
If two users login to the system using the same login credentials and both are looking at the same screen and one of them adds or removes a column or changes the layout, then when the other user refreshes or goes back to the same screen, they will see the changes made by the first user. This means that changes made by one user will be visible to others who are logged in with the same credentials.
How can I navigate to a contact from the pool page in view mode?Added to the product backlogCurrently, this is only possible in edit mode. However, we have taken note of this suggestion and added it to the product backlog for possible implementation in the future.
How can I navigate to a pool from the contact page in view mode?Added to the product backlogCurrently, this is only possible in edit mode. However, we have taken note of this suggestion and added it to the product backlog for possible implementation in the future.
In the Pools > Water tests tab you can not sort the order by date (can’t click the heading)Added to the product backlog

We've taken note of this issue regarding the inability to sort water tests by date on the Pools > Water tests tab. It has been added to our product backlog for further consideration.

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