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During Trade | System integration validation

Throughout the day, spot-check that any additions or changes you make sync correctly to the appropriate system.

Steps to Validate System Integration:

  1. Client creation or update:

    • Verify that a new client entered into Vital appears in Lightspeed. 

    • Verify that client details updated in LightSpeed appear in Vital. 

    • Verify that a new client entered into LightSpeed appears in Vital. 

    • Verify that client details updated in Vital appear in LightSpeed. 

  2. Product creation or update:

    • Verify that a new product added in LightSpeed appears in Vital. 

    • Verify that a product change of name or price appears in Vital. 

  3. Sales:

    • Verify that any on account invoice created in LightSpeed syncs instantly to Xero. 

    • Verify that a register close invoice and payments apply syncs to Xero, and align with the Sales figures and payments received for the day in LightSpeed.  

  4. Stock Adjustment:

    • Verify that upon register closure a COGS invoice syncs to Xero, and correctly updates COG accounts. 

Keep in mind: 

  • Vital, Lightspeed, and Xero are linked, but most information flows one way, from source to destination. 

  • Some flows are two-way, allowing data to travel back and forth, keeping both systems updated. 

  • For more information, please refer to the Integrations Overview.

By regularly spot-checking, you can ensure that all systems are correctly synced and up-to-date during the go-live period.

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