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Vital | Water Link Connect v2 update

ALL users with Water Link Connect version 2 (WLC2) currently installed will receive a prompt to update on October 16th. 


Similar to the previous updates, this update is a two-step process:


Step 1: Updating the Waterlink Connect 2

It takes approximately 3 minutes to update Waterlink Connect 2 software. 


Step 2: Updating the Waterlink Spin Touch meter (Customers with Classic Meters will not have to perform this step).

Waterlink Spin Touch takes approximately 5-7 minutes to complete the firmware update. 


Please note, that SpinTouch on older firmware than 1.38 may require a little longer than 5-7 minutes. 


You will see a Splash screen when the firmware update is initiated.  


Further, a number of steps will be displayed on the SpinTouch screen, like 1 of 5, 2 of 5, etc. The number of steps will vary on the current firmware of the meter.


It's highly stressed that any users who opt into downloading and installing the build do so making sure they complete fully the installation of the update for Waterlink Connect 2 & update the firmware for their Waterlink Spin Touch unit. As this update will provide a firmware update for Spin Touch units, the units plugged into those computers for use will also need to be updated accordingly or else the meter will not be usable until the firmware update is completed for them. 


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