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Vital | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Schedulers

Frequently Asked Questions after and during the initial training of Vital. 


MODULE 1 Standard  Processes

MODULE 2 Quote Processes


MODULE 4 Admin

MODULE 1 Standard Processes

  • What is the Pool Name field for?

    • Use this field to distinguish between bodies of water at the same address eg Spa on ground level, Spa on roof, Outdoor pool on roof etc

  • What is the Classification field for in the Pool record?

    • Example: you might set an exception in Setup > Water testing > Chemical tests where Free Chlorine is run at a lower level for commercial pools. When Pooltrackr sees a pool with its Classification set as Commercial, it will alter the Free Chlorine recommendation accordingly.

  • Where do I find the data cleaning functionality for cleaning up duplicates?

  • When I try to unlink a contact from a Pool, Vital tells me that open jobs and quotes associated with the pool will be deleted too but I don’t want that to happen.  What should I do?

    • You need to link another contact to the pool before you unlink the other contact if it’s currently the sole contact for the pool. That way the open jobs/quotes will be associated with the new contact.  (Closed jobs associated with the old contact will stay associated with that contact and water test history remains associated with the pool in all circumstances.)

  • Can I add warranty information to a pool?

    • Yes, when you are adding equipment information to a pool, there are fields for serial number, warranty start and end date and other Notes. The tech can update these same fields onsite in the app

  • Add credit card details onto the client record - These will be added to the Client record in Vital

MODULE 2 Quote Processes

  • What’s in the Archived Quotes list?

    • Here you’ll find Scheduled, Deleted, and Rejected quotes. The only actions available in the Archived Quotes section is to download the quote as a PDF and to view jobs details for a scheduled job.


  • How do I use Labels on jobs?

    • You create your own business’s Labels (you can click on +Add New in the Job Settings section when adding a job or manage them in Setup>Jobs>Colors) and choose the significance of them (eg you might have a red label for a job that should not be rescheduled without consulting the client)

  • How do I preview the job sheet or invoice before sending it?

    • From within a completed job, click Actions>Preview & Send Invoice, then scroll to the bottom and click Preview to preview the email, invoice or job sheet.

  • How does the Batch Invoice process work?

    • After you complete any job, it moves to the Jobs>Jobs to Invoice screen

    • When you click Preview & Send on the right of an invoice in the Jobs to Invoice screen and then click Actions in the top right, and so long as the client has batch invoicing enabled on their client record, the options will be Mark as Batch or Send. (If the client does not have batch invoicing enabled on their client record, there will be no Mark as Batch option. Instead the options will be Mark as Invoiced or Send.) 

    • Clicking Mark as Batch is the right option if you don’t want to send this individual invoice to the client as well as it being part of the batch invoice.

    • Clicking either Mark as Batch or Send will add this job into the Invoicing>Batch Queue screen. 

    • In the Invoicing>Batch Queue screen, you’ll see all the open invoices for the clients grouped together. Expand the client and you can select which of the open invoices you’re going to included in this batch invoice and then click Preview.

    • In the Preview, you can select if you want all the job line items in the invoice (Expanded) or just the type and date (Compact).

    • Click Actions>Send, to email the invoice. The selected invoices will now move from the Batch Queue screen to the Batch Invoices screen and show the email delivery status and the payment status. The client will receive an email attaching the batch invoice and a separate job sheet for each of the jobs.

    • The Batch Invoice will also now have synced to Lightspeed where you can view it from the client record and the Sell>Sales History screen. 

    • The Batch Invoice will also now have synced to Xero where you can view if from the client record and the Invoices>Awaiting Payment screen.

    • The invoice appears in all three systems but is sent from Vital. The Vital invoice will include the contact name (ie the company contact if the client is a company) and the pool address -  but not the company name if the contact is a company. Lightspeed has a copy of the invoice but it can’t be viewed as a PDF in Lightspeed (but the sale can be completed (ie payment taken) in Lightspeed); instead there is a link to the invoice in Xero. The PDF of the Xero invoice includes the company name if the contact was a company but not the company contact name.

  • How do we cancel a Vital invoice after sending it?

    • When you create a job invoice in Vital, it will be synched into Lightspeed and from there into Xero. If you later delete that invoice in Vital, that will not automatically delete or void it in Lightspeed and Xero too.  You’d need to do that manually in those systems too. Bear in mind that franchise fees are based on invoices so deleting an invoice instead of refunding/crediting it could have unintended consequences depending on when you do it in relation to franchise fees and whether or not they’ve already been invoiced.

  • How do we reissue a Vital invoice with a correction?

    • Invoices in Vital can’t be edited after they’ve been sent.  You can edit the synced invoice in Lightspeed but then you also need to edit the same changes in the Xero version. And vice versa. You would send out the edited version from Xero.

  • Will the job history from Nextservice come over and be viewable in Vital?

  • Will the job start and end times appear on the job sheet or invoice (currently they do not)?  And if they do appear there eventually, will I be able to edit them (currently I cannot)?

MODULE 4 Admin

  • Will jobs be associated with pools such that, if a contact linked to a pool is unlinked, the job history will stay with the pool?

    • Yes

  • When I create a Job Template, should I add the service Product for that template then so that it appears on all jobs without it being added manually? If yes, should I therefore add the service Product in Lightspeed first so it appears in the list of Products in the add job template screen?

    • Yes and yes!

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