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Tips & Tricks for using the Vital platform

Unlock the full potential with these tips and tricks for using the refreshed Vital platform.

Customize your view

Are you tired of scrolling through irrelevant data on your screen? Try using the Columns field to customize your view and see only the information that matters most to you. Whether you need to add or remove columns, it's as simple as a few clicks. And the best part? Your selections are saved for your next login, making your user experience even more seamless.

Refine your view

Don't waste time sifting through endless search results. Refine your view with the filters field and refine your search to quickly find the information you need. Whether you need to use the AND / OR options or remove all filters to revert back to the full search, it's easy to refine your search.


Sort your view

Organize your view efficiently by using column headings to sort your data. Simply click on the column heading to sort the column and click again to reverse the sorting order. If you need more sorting options, click on the ellipses to manage them. This feature will save you time and effort by making it easier to find the information you need. 

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