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After Go Live | Setup "Invoice Overdue Reminder" in Xero

When to Do It:
Two weeks after your Go-Live date.

Why It's Important:

The Invoice Overdue Reminder in Xero is off by default. We suggest turning it on 2 weeks after your Go-Live date to avoid sending reminders for invoices that might look unpaid but are actually settled. 

Attention: Setting up the invoice reminders too soon can cause issues. NetSuite invoices will be imported as unpaid during migration and might trigger reminders even if they have been paid but not recorded in Xero until bank transactions are updated. Waiting 2 weeks to turn the reminders on will ensure all bank transactions are updated and accurate.

Steps to setup Invoice Reminder Complete:

  1. Login to Xero with the general user account that will send the reminder emails.

  2. In the Business menu, select Invoices.

  3. Click "Invoice Reminders: Off."

  4. Select the "Email customers when an invoice is overdue" checkbox. Xero’s default reminders are now set up to send out for overdue invoices. You can customise these to suit your organisation.

  5. (Optional) Select the "Include link to online invoice and detail summary" checkbox to include the online invoice link, amount due, due date, and invoice ID in the email header for all reminders.

  6. (Optional) Select the "Include a link to the invoice PDF" checkbox to include PDF invoice links in all reminders.

  7. (Optional) Select the "Don't send reminders for amounts owing on an invoice under" checkbox, then enter an amount.

  8. Click Save. Xero will send out the reminders you have set up for all invoices marked as sent.


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