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Vital Technician | Standard Job Processes

App walk-through (video). 

Mobile app job list

Mobile app creating a new job

Mobile app Calendar

Before - During - After job processes for PWX Technician

Before job commencement

  • Trigger SMS notification to the client that they are on the way
  • Access codes and job notes
  • Access historical database
  • Link spin device

During job

  • Start Job (Mobile App job list)
  • Preview previous job completed notes
  • Update client details
  • Pool information update
  • Add or Update equipment
  • Take before photos
  • Water test
  • Add products/materials used to be on-charged
  • Split charges between the different contacts
  • Complete the task list
  • Add job notes
  • After photos
  • Reschedule the job, If they can't get on site

After job completion

  • Complete job for Office to review
  • Preview and send invoice & job sheet
  • Add notes/task to future jobs
  • Take payment for service in field
  • Schedule a follow-up job, if need to return to the site


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