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During Trade | Manually enter changes made after data snapshot

If you have made any changes after the Data Snapshot period (which was implemented 48 hours before your go-live date), you will need to manually update these changes in the respective system.

Below are NetSuite report links that can assist you in identifying changes made after the Snapshot period, along with instructions on how to enter these changes or additions into the respective system. 

Note: The NetSuite reports capture any changes/additions ON or AFTER the selected date in the filter section. This date should be two days prior to your go-live. It will default to two days prior to the day you run the report (assuming you are running this report on go-live day). 

Instructions List and NetSuite Reports:

  1. Products (Lightspeed)

  • NetSuite Report: Products

  • Pricing: 

    • Watch this video or follow the instructions on this article to edit product pricing.

  • Composite products: 

  1. Suppliers (Lightspeed)

  • NetSuite Report: Suppliers

  • Navigate to Catalog > Supplier in the left menu, select a supplier, and click the Edit icon to confirm details.

  • Watch this video or follow these instructions to add and edit suppliers.

  1. Accounting Suppliers (Xero)

  1. Purchase Orders (Lightspeed)

  • NetSuite Report: Purchase Orders

  • Follow these instructions to verify the status of Purchase Orders.

  • Watch this video to learn how to create new Purchase Orders.

  1. Contacts List (Vital)

  • NetSuite Report: Clients 

    • Watch this video or follow these instructions to correct contact details.

    • Watch this video to learn how to link or unlink contacts.

  • Real estate agent Setup: Watch this video or follow these instructions to create Real Estate as Company contacts.

  1. Accounting Contacts (Xero)

  1. Pools List (Vital)

  • NetSuite Report: Assets/Pools 

    • Watch this video or follow these instructions to correct pool details.

    • Watch this video to learn how to link or unlink pools.

  • NetSuite Report: Water tests

    • Any water tests conducted outside of Vital will need to be replicated in Vital

  1. Quotes (Vital)

  1. Jobs List for the next 7 days (Vital)

  1. Unbilled Invoices (Vital)

  1. Gift Certificates/cards (Vital)

  • NetSuite Report: Gift cards

  • For gift certificates, the report will give you the full list of active gift certificates to date so you can manually review this shorter list to identify any updates within the snapshot period.

Additional General Resources:

By following these steps and utilising the provided resources, you can ensure a smooth transition and accurate data handling during your go-live period. 

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