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Before Trading | Lightspeed register payments setup

Ensure you can log into your Windcave Portal to confirm the setup is correct and 


Set up Windcave connection with Lightspeed and Xero

For assistance on how to set up Windcave, follow these instructions:

Overall steps to test payment setup

  1. Complete Lightspeed to Windcave connection

  2. Complete Xero to Windcave connection

  3. Verify Windcave sale in Lightspeed

  4. Verify the Windcave payment link on the Xero Invoice

Detailed configuration and test steps:

Lightspeed to Windcave connection steps (Retail Stores only):

  • Ensure the terminal is connected to the internet.

  • In Lightspeed, navigate to Setup > Payment Types.

  • Click Add Payment Type, select Windcave, and choose Already have a merchant account with Windcave.

  • Select the correct outlets and click the Pair Terminal button.

  • Select the register.

  • Enter your credentials (HitUser, HitKey, and StationID). This is found in an email from Windcave to the franchise partner. This is an email from when they signed up. If they can't find it, they can login to their portal using the link:, user name their subsidiary_REST (eg MtEliza_REST) and if they don't remember the password, click on 'forgot password'. 

    - HitUser = PoolwerxLocationHIT (eg PoolwerxBaulkhamHillsHIT or PoolwerxMindarieHIT)
    Note, if ...HIT does not work, try 'EftHIT' or '_HIT', from the spreadsheet I can tell that no real naming convention was applied by Windcave.
    - HitKey is in the Windcave email:

  • StationID is found on the terminal backside - silver sticker with 10 digit barcode starting with "38..."

  • Click Pair Register.

  • After the “Terminal paired successfully” message is displayed, click the Save Payment Type button at the top of the page.

  • Map the terminal to Xero undeposited funds:
    Set up > Apps > Xero > Edit > Payment types > Windcave > Map to "Undeposited funds - Lightspeed"

Test Windcave sale in Lightspeed (Retail Stores Only): 

  1. Navigate to Sell

  2. Open cash drawer

  3. Search for a product and select it

  4. Click on Pay

  5. Select Windcave

  6. Click on Complete Sale.

Xero to Windcave connection Steps:

  1. Open Windcave portal

  2. Click on User Account 

  3. Click My User

  4. Scroll down and click “Connect to Xero”

  5. Click “Connect to Xero”

  6. If prompted, click on dropdown “Select an Organisation” and select your Franchise

  7. Click ‘Allow Access”

  8. Select Branding Theme “Word Invoice Template - PROD”

  9. Select Payment accounts: “undeposited funds Xero”

  10. Click Update

Test Windcave Link on Xero Invoices:

  1. Ensure Windcave payment options are set up:

    1. Go to Settings > Invoice Settings > Options > Edit > Payment Services.

    2. Select Windcave.

  2. To test the Invoice template:

    1. Navigate to Business > Invoices.

    2. Select an invoice by clicking on a record in the Number column.

    3. Click on Print PDF at the top menu to download a copy.

    4. Click on the Windcave link on the invoice to test it.

Windcave Support

For any Windcave related issues during the rollout, contact Windcave’s support:

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