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Rollout | Migration checklist guide

This article is evolving

As we're in the early stages of the rollout, we are constantly updating and enhancing this guide. If you have any suggestions for improvement, please reach out to our support team.

We are progressively sending out Migration Checklists as we near your Go Live target date. Once you receive your migration checklist it's important to open it and check any tasks that are currently overdue.


Navigating the checklist

At the bottom of the checklist you'll see 5 tabs as outlined below.

OverviewYour business details and key dates.
Before Go LiveTasks to be completed before Go Live day
Go Live DayTasks to be complete on Go Live day
After Go LiveTasks to be completed after Go Live day
Issues LogFor issues on Go Live day

Using the checklist

Here are some tips on how to best use the checklist:

  • Don't modify the checklist - Changes to the rows/columns may break the built-in automations.
  • Add comments for later reference - Use the commenting feature to make notes by right-clicking the cell and choosing "+ Comment"

For the main Go Live tabs these are the main columns you'll see

  • Done column - Tick the checkboxes once tasks are completed.
  • Start & Due date - When to start and have the task completed by.
  • Estimated time effort - Guidance on how long each task should take to complete.
  • Support guides- Tailored guides for each task to assist you with completing them.

Overview tab

This section contains your business details along with the key dates for your migration.

Before Go Live tab

These are the tasks to be completed before you Go Live.

  • When you receive the checklist - For any tasks already completed please check them off. 
  • Download the Vital app (technicians)
    • ANDROID: Download the Vital mobile app from the Play Store (Android only - Apple will follow shortly). 
    • APPLE: you will receive an invite from test flight to download the Vital mobile app.
  • Download the Lightspeed app (schedulers)
    • Android: go to the Play Store
    • Apple: go to the App Store

Go Live Day tab

These are the tasks to be completed on the day of Go Live.

  • Support on the Day - In most cases your ROM will guide you through these on the day, or where not available we will organise for a team member from the Evo Support team to assist.
  • To access the systems- Logins will have been sent to the nominated email addresses on the night before go-live to access the systems via the computer. 
  • To access the mobile apps
    • Vital: login using your @poolwerx username and request a password reset. 
    • Lightspeed: login using your store code (below), your @poolwerx username and request a password reset.
      Store code: two letters of the country code (au, nz, us) and the prefix of your subsidiary (list). 
      Example: Bendigo = aubgo or Otago = nzota. Use only lower case, the system is case sensitive. 

After Go Live tab

These are the tasks to be completed after Go Live - generally with-in the first fortnight.

  • Sign off - Once tasks are completed on all three sheets you will need to tick off the "Sign-off" checkbox

Issues Log tab

This log is for adding issues on the day of Go Live by either yourself, your ROM or Evo Support team member.

  • At the end of the Go Live day any unresolved issues will be moved to a ticket for further tracking.

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