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Connecting my spin machine (troubleshooting)

Troubleshoot common issues related to connecting your Spin machine.

WaterLink Connect button greyed out
  1. Click on the "Start" menu and search for "Services"
  2. Open the "Services" application
  3. Locate "WaterLink Connect" in the list of services
  4. Select "WaterLink Connect" and click on the "Restart the service" option

If the issue persists, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Ensure that WaterLink Connect 2 is installed
  2. Make sure that WaterLink Connect 2 is up to date
  3. Verify that Google Chrome is up-to-date 
  4. Check if your Windows operating system is up-to-date
Having to restart the service continually
  1. Go to the "Services" application
  2. Locate "WaterLink Connect" in the list of services
  3. Right-click on "WaterLink Connect" and select "Properties"
  4. In the "Properties" window, navigate to the "Recovery" tab
  5. Configure the settings as follows:
  • First failure: Restart the service
  • Second failure: Restart the service
  • Subsequent failures: Take no action
Not all results are showing OR
Results going into the wrong fields
  1. Open the WaterLink Connect application
  2. Check if there are any available firmware updates for the Spin Touch
  3. If an update is available, proceed with updating the firmware according to the provided instructions

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