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Vital | Relinking a pool to a new owner

Moving house or a new renter means relinking the pool to a new contact.  


You can only use this workaround if you are NOT connected to on field and/or LightSpeed and Xero. For two reasons, because, when you are merging the client records (1) it won't flow to the other systems and (2) when the records are merged, the financial data is also merged!! Be extremely mindful when using this feature.  

If someone moves house and the asset receives a new owner, you might run into an error message when unlinking the contact from the pool. The error message is "Unable to unlink contacts "407933" because they have associated water tests".

This is as per PWX design, however, it requires a tweak as it's too strict now. Pooltrackr (vendor) is working on the tweak and in the meantime, this is the workaround.

Scenario: John Peters has a pool at 10 Camford Street. John sells his house to Mae T Ester. 

1. Create a record for Mae and link the record to 10 Camford Street.

2. Set-up > Data Management > Contacts > toggle 'Address street one' and untoggle 'Contact name'.
3. Click on Check duplicates. 

4. Merge the contacts whereby Mae is the primary and John is the secondary. Click Merge contact.

5. John will be gone and Mae will be linked to 10 Camford Street. with the inclusion of all water test history. 
6. Create a record for John at his new address.

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