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Differences in dosages between the previous Vital system and the refreshed platform

Uncover the reasons behind the differences in dosages between the previous Vital system and the refreshed platform.

If you've noticed that the dosages in the refreshed Vital platform differ from the previous system, you're not alone. Understanding why these differences exist can help shed light on the benefits of the new platform and its dosing approach.

Previously, the stairstep model was used for dosages in our pool management system. However, with the introduction of the refreshed Vital platform, we have transitioned to a more precise linear model.

The stairstep model divided pool sizes into broad ranges and recommended fixed dosages for each range. This approach meant that pools within the same range received the same dosage, regardless of their actual size. For example, a pool in the 0-50L range would receive a fixed dosage, regardless of whether it was closer to 0L or 50L.

In contrast, the linear model in the refreshed Vital platform takes into account the specific size of the pool. It provides more accurate dosing rates that correspond to the pool's actual volume. For instance, a 25L pool would receive a dosage of 250g, while a 37.5L pool would receive a dosage of 375g. The dosages increase linearly based on the pool size.

By using the linear model, the refreshed Vital platform ensures that your pool receives precise dosing tailored to its size. This approach promotes optimal safety and health by delivering the right amount of chemicals for effective pool treatment. 


Difference of the models in a visual graph format.

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