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Before Trading | Add stock quantities to Lightspeed

When your products are migrated to Lightspeed they will initially have a stock quantity of zero. While Lightspeed allows trading with negative inventory, we recommend updating your stock levels before trading to ensure accuracy.

The morning of your go-live, you have two options:

  1. Use your migrated NetSuite stock figures - This option is suitable if you have confidence in the inventory management between your end-of-year stocktake and the movements recorded in NetSuite up to your go-live date.

  2. Conduct a full stocktake - Choose this option if prefer to re-count your stock due to uncertainty in the inventory management and movements recorded in NetSuite. Click here for more details

Use your migrated NetSuite stock quantities

As part of the migration to the new platform, the Evolution team is now transferring your stock quantities to Lightspeed, reducing your setup time at Go Live.

nb. These quantities are based on your stock inventory levels in NetSuite at 5pm (local time) before Go Live.

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Stock control in LightSpeed.
  2. Locate the migration PO’s that have been pre-loaded into your Lightspeed account.
  3. For each PO complete the below:
    1. Spot check the PO (tips below) against your NetSuite Stock Report and approve 
      • Check all products have a supply price (order by supply price)
      • Check the high volume/price products (order by qty or supply price)
    2. Click the PO number, then click the ‘Mark Order as…’ dropdown and select 'Mark as Sent'.
    3. On the pop-up, click ‘Change status to sent’.
    4. Navigate back to ‘stock control’, click on the receive button (box icon below) to receive the PO.
    5. Scroll down to the Products section and under the ‘Received quantity’ heading click ‘Receive all ordered products’

    6. Click ‘Receive’, then click 'Receive delivery' on the pop-up.
    7. DO NOT press "Send to Xero" for the PO

Tips for balancing against your NetSuite stock report

  1. Supply prices in Lightspeed are ex. GST
  2. Check for products that couldn't be imported that had stock values. You can find this in the 'LS Standard and Local Products' file in your FP Shared Folder under the 'LS PO Stock' tab. Example screenshot

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