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Lightspeed | How to perform a stocktake count

This article details how to perform a stocktake count using the Lightspeed Scanner app. Click here on how to setup for your franchise.

Using the Lightspeed Scanner App

1. Using the Lightspeed Scanner App

  • On your phone, open the LightSpeed Scanner App.
  • Navigate to the Receive section.
  • Click the + icon.
  • Leave the supplier blank.
  • Select the outlet in the delivered to field.
  • Override the Order Number to ‘Migration Stock count’.
  • Optional: add any notes
  • Click Start.
  • Scan the product, or alternatively enter a search parameter.
  • Continuously scan the product/s to increase the quantity count, or manually adjust using the – and + symbols.
  • Once you have finished the count, click Done, then Save.

2. Verify in LightSpeed on your computer:

  • Log in to LightSpeed on your computer.
  • Navigate to Inventory > Stock control section.
  • Locate the PO and click on the package icon.
  • Verify the order is correct.
  • Click Receive, then click ‘Receive Delivery’ on the pop-up.
  • Repeat for each outlet PO.

Using your desktop

Review the Full Inventory Count and Partial Inventory Count articles from Lightspeed for step-by-step instructions or the below video for a detailed guide on performing a full stocktake in Lightspeed.

Additional resources

Transferring Stock in Lightspeed

Using the Lightspeed App for Transferring Stock

Inventory Adjustments of 1 Product:

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