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LightSpeed | D.I.Y with Confidence; Creating the Promotion


Before proceeding, make sure to read and action Part 1 first. Part 1 contains essential steps for creating the composite products required for this promotion.

Part 2: Creating the Promotion

In this part, we will create one promotion for the two SKU options set up in Part 1.

  1. Navigate to Promotions in Lightspeed and select Add Promotion.

  2. The page will refresh, taking you to the promotion creation page. Enter the following details:

    • Promotion name: DIY WITH CONFIDENCE

    • Promotion description: Offer available between 9 September to 3 November, 2024 only!

  3. In the Outlets section, select the dropdown menu and check the box for Retail Registers.

  4. Navigate to the Schedule Promotion section and configure the following:

    • Select: One-time promotion
    • Start date: 9th September 2024
    • End date: 3rd November 2024
    • Click Apply
  5. Navigate to Type of Promotion and select Advanced
  6. Under When a customer, select Buys the following items.
  7. In the BUY section:

    • Quantity: 1
    • Product: Select Specific. A filter box will appear.
    • In the filter box, add the Poolwerx Water Test Strips product.
  8. Scroll to the next section, and ensure the Then they will setting is set to Get the following items. Configure the following:
    • Discount: Free
    • Quantity: 1
    • Product: Select Specific.
    • In the filter products box, add the two options created for the promotion (DIYOPT1 and DIYOPT2). If you're missing these options, please review Part 1.
  9. Scroll down and configure the final settings:

    • Show prompt on Sell: Tick the box.
    • Target this promotion: Select Available to everyone.
  10. Click Save.

For a detailed guide with screenshots, please click here

Next Steps:

How to process the promotion during a sales transaction in LightSpeed - Click Here

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