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LXV | CC On File/Pay Now link Processing Payment Job Invoice in Vital (Invoicing Stage)


A job must be marked completed in Vital before an invoice preview stage and taking payment. If you are not currently in the Job Invoice preview stage  Click here to view the guide.

This Guide will cover the following payments situations for a Job Invoices in Vital:
  1. Payment via CC on file 
  2. Payment via Pay Now Link send in an email 

This guide does not include information on payments for Job Invoices in Vital.:

  1. Payment in store via Card (Terminal)/Cash- Click here for the guide  
  2. Payment via Bank Transfer to your Bank account - Click here for the Guide 

On this page, as shown in the screenshot above, you'll need to choose how to invoice the client. Your options are:

Option 1- Charge the CC on file before sending the Invoice to the Client

Option 2 -  Send a "Pay Now" button to the customer requesting a payment ( This will send an invoice to clients email requesting for payment) 

Option 1-To process invoice via CC on file 

Planned Development 

At the moment, you’re unable to send an invoice and use the saved credit card on file after the invoice has been sent. We’re working on updating this feature and it will be available soon so you can charge the credit card on file after the invoice is sent out.  

When CC on file is selected as payment navigate to the green pay invoice button

A window will appear called " Record a payment for this invoice " As per the screenshot below

Then select Pay button on the bottom right. Once the pay button is selected you will get a confirmation for a Transaction Approved or Failed status. As per the example below : 

Option 2-Send a "Pay Now" button to the customer requesting a payment

In the Job Preview invoice section Select the Send button 

Your client will receive an email requesting for payment via the Pay Now link.

 Please see below screenshot from a client perspective

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